時事 来年の改憲発議、反対7割=内閣支持42%に減少-時事世論調査 2017/12/15-15:06
「来年の改憲発議について、 . . . 本文を読む
BBC Jerusalem: Palestinians killed in fresh clashes with Israel 15 Dec 2017
「Violence has soared since Mr Trump's declaration on the contested city」
イェルサレムは、確 . . . 本文を読む
BBC North Korea must earn right to talks, says US Secretary of State Tillerson 15 Dec 2017
冒頭写真North Korea's ambassador to the UN, Ja Song Namの色男ぶりがなかなか。
「US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said N . . . 本文を読む