


2025-01-28 20:51:38 | Newsメモ

There are growing international calls for peace talks to end the escalation of violence in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Reports say at least 17 people have been killed and close to 400 wounded.


BBC Peace calls mount amid conflict in DR Congo's key city 2 hours ago

Barbara Plett & Paul Njie


The fate of the economic and trading hub Goma is still unclear. UN officials have said the situation is chaotic with fighting continuing in parts of the city.

A Congolese government official has said the army is still in control of most of the regional capital, but M23 rebels who have attacked the city dispute that.


On Tuesday, South Africa said that four more of its soldiers, who are in DR Congo as part of peacekeeping efforts, had died as a result of clashes with the M23.


This brings the total number of South African casualties to 13. Malawi and Uruguay have also lost peacekeepers.


Since Friday, Goma has been cut off from electricity and water, and Mr Kamerhe said the government was working hard to restore them to the city.

 以下Live Reportingの記事

BBC Hundreds wounded, bodies in streets in Goma - UN 20:29 Imogen Foulkes


We're restarting our live coverage of the conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo as UN aid agencies warn of a major humanitarian crisis in Goma, with hundreds wounded, bodies lying in the streets, and an upsurge in rape and gender-based violence.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said its hospital received over 100 wounded in just 24 hours, a number it previously received over the course of a month, forcing staff to turn the hospital car park into a triage unit.


BBC A very simple guide to the DR Congo conflict 20:55 27 January

The mineral-rich east has been dogged by conflict for more than 30 years.

Various armed groups have competed with the central authorities for power and control of the potential fortune in this vast nation.


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