


2025-03-08 14:04:27 | Newsメモ


One of Argentina's biggest cities has been hit by severe flooding after suffering the equivalent of more than four months' rainfall in just four hours.

BBC Argentine city left flooded after fierce storm 12 hours ago

Robert Plummer


Heavy rain began lashing Bahía Blanca in Buenos Aires province at about 04:00 local time (07:00 GMT) on Friday, turning streets into rivers and leaving large parts of the city without electricity.

At a local hospital, new-born babies had to be evacuated after flood waters invaded the building. Elsewhere, more than 40 families have had to leave their homes and the airport has been closed.


The authorities said up to 250mm (10in) of rain had already fallen, with another 50-100mm expected before the storm abates.


The city normally receives about 600-650mm of rain a year.


 なにやらindigenous womanが特に狙われて殺された事件があり、遺体捜索が進んでいる様子。

BBC Canadian serial killer's victim found in landfill 1 hour ago

Max Matza

The remains of an indigenous woman murdered by a serial killer have been found after a search of a landfill in the Canadian province of Manitoba, police say.

Morgan Harris' remains were recovered at the Prairie Green Landfill, north of the city of Winnipeg, said officials. Authorities had been searching for Harris, 39, and Marcedes Myran, 26, both of Long Plain First Nation. Police say two sets of remains have been found.

Harris and Myran were among four indigenous women killed in 2022 by convicted murderer Jeremy Skibicki, who dumped their bodies in two different landfills over a three-month span.


Canada has long faced a crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. According to the RCMP, indigenous women make up 10% of the population of missing women in Canada and 16% of female homicides. Indigenous women make up about 4% of the female population in Canada.


BBC Accused Canadian serial killer Jeremy Skibicki goes on trial in Winnipeg 9 May 2024
Nadine Yousif

BBC The $135m cost of finding an alleged killer’s victims 13 May 2023
Nadine Yousif

Indigenous women in Canada are 12 times more likely to be murdered or go missing than other women, according to a 2019 inquiry.

BBC Landfill search begins in Canada for remains of serial killer's victims 3 December 2024
Nadine Yousif
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