


2022-10-19 20:54:35 | Newsメモ
 これは基本的に朗報。我々としては一歩も引かないが、しかし民間人の安全のために避難を推奨する―という理屈で民間人および統治関係者をドニエプルの向こうへ移動し始めたそう。もちろん、本来の住民を移送して連れ去り、ロシア本土で…というなら十二分に戦争犯罪だが、ロシア側が任命した統治関係者Russian-appointed officialsを移動というのは…負けを見越した、せめてもの親ロシア分子の保護というのが常識的な判断ではなかろうか。いやそれが通じるかどうかはまた別として。

BBC Ukraine war: Russia begins evacuation from Kherson in south 19 Oct 2022 By Paul Kirby

Tens of thousands of civilians and Russian-appointed officials are being moved out of Ukraine's southern Kherson region ahead of a Ukrainian offensive, says the Russia-installed local leader.

Vladimir Saldo said 50-60,000 civilians would leave four towns on the west bank of the Dnieper river in an "organised, gradual displacement".

All Russian-appointed departments in Kherson city would cross the river too.


As they queued for boats, it was not clear how many were leaving. The transfer or deportation of civilians by an occupying power from occupied territory is considered a war crime.

Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak pointed out it was less than a month since Russia had held a ceremony to annex Kherson: "Reality can hurt if you live in a fictional fantasy world."

Mr Saldo, who was appointed governor of the region by Moscow, told Russian TV that no-one was about to surrender, but it was "undesirable" for residents to remain in a city facing military action. "In the past two days, more than 5,000 people have left Kherson," he was quoted as saying.

Kherson was the first major city to fall to Russian forces when they invaded Ukraine in February.

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