


2022-10-23 12:43:48 | Newsメモ


BBC Hu Jintao: ex-president escorted out of China party congress 23 Oct 2022

Chinese former leader Hu Jintao has been led out of the closing ceremony of the Communist Party Congress.

The frail-looking 79-year-old was sitting beside President Xi Jinping when he was escorted away by officials.

There has been no official statement by the Chinese government concerning the incident, but state news agency Xinhua said Mr Hu had not been feeling well.

 体調不良で退出しただけですって! ああ、よかったぁ! 粛清(物理)される旧指導者なんているはずないんだね!

He adds that so far, there are a lot of questions and no answers from the Chinese government.

BBC Hu Jintao: The mysterious exit of China's former leader from party congress 23 Oct 2022 By Stephen McDonell

There are a lot of questions and no answers so far from the Chinese government.

Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported that Mr Hu was escorted from the chamber after feeling unwell.

 この友人・同僚を思う気持ちをあらわにする動作など、もう100年の語り草ではないか。「Mr Li even moved to help him at one point, but was pulled back by Mr Wang, as if to say, "Don't get involved in this."

The Communist Party's mass meetings are normally highly scripted events, leading to speculation that the timing of Hu Jintao's departure might not have been an accident.

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