


2020-02-01 19:14:50 | Newsメモ

BBC US travel ban: Trump restricts immigration from Nigeria and five other countries 31 Jan 2020

The US has announced it is expanding its curbs on immigration to include six more countries, including Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation.

Citizens from Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, Tanzania, Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar will now be blocked from obtaining certain types of visas.

People from those countries will still be able to visit the US as tourists.

 なにしろナイジェリアは、2018年には他の五カ国をあわせたよりも多い数のimmigration visaを得たそうで、そりゃあ「やり過ぎだ」と言いたいかもしれない。

In 2018 the US issued twice as many immigration visas to Nigeria than to the other five nations combined.

An official said the new measures were the result of failures by the six countries to meet US security and information-sharing standards.

According to US government statistics, the State Department issued 8,018 immigrant visas to Nigerians in the fiscal year 2018.


 なんにせよ、トランプ大統領としては、就任直後の議論多いtravel banの一件以来、『できればムスリムはうちの国に入れたくないなあ』と言う欲望がちょいちょい漏れているようで、今回もまあ、治安上の問題・情報共有の問題に言及して入るものの、以前からの方針の継続かなあとは疑われる模様。

Kyrgyzstan and Sudan have large Muslim majorities, while around 50% of people in Nigeria and Eritrea are Muslim. Tanzania also has a sizable Muslim community.


The ban initially excluded people from seven majority-Muslim countries but the list was modified following a series of court challenges.

It now restricts citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and North Korea.
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