


2024-07-20 22:12:56 | Newsメモ


BBC Bangladesh imposes curfew as protests continue 2 days ago
By Ethirajan Anbarasan and Yogita Limaye, in London and Delhi



Bangladesh is in turmoil.

BBC Why is the Bangladeshi government facing so much anger? 5 hours ago
By Anbarasan Ethirajan



Street protests are not new to this South Asian nation of 170 million people – but the intensity of the demonstrations of the past week has been described as the worst in living memory.

More than 100 people have died in the violence, with more than 50 people killed on Friday alone.
The government has imposed an unprecedented communications blackout, shutting down the internet and restricting phone services.

 政府はインターネットを遮断、電話も制限。無制限の措置。なんでこんなんなっちゃったかって、与党Sheikh Hasina首相の15年の指導下、汚職が広がりまくり、仕事も縁故で決まり、大学生が「成績・成果で決めさせろよ?!」と激怒した、と。

Under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year rule, Bangladesh has transformed itself by building new roads, bridges, factories and even a metro rail in the capital Dhaka.

Its per-capita income has tripled in the last decade and the World Bank estimates that more than 25 million people have been lifted out of poverty in the last 20 years.

But many say that some of that growth is only helping those close to Ms Hasina’s Awami League.



The anti-corruption commission in Bangladesh has launched an investigation into former police chief Benazir Ahmed – once seen as a close ally of Ms Hasina – for amassing millions of dollars, allegedly through illegal means. He denies the allegations.

This news didn’t escape ordinary people in the country, who are struggling with the escalating cost of living.


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