


2020-05-31 15:09:33 | Newsメモ

BBC Trump delays 'outdated' G7 leaders' summit 31 May 2020

US President Donald Trump has said he will postpone this year's G7 summit and invite leaders of other countries to participate in the talks.

"I don't feel that... it properly represents what's going on in the world. It's a very outdated group of countries," Mr Trump said on Saturday.


The G7 group, which the US hosts this year, includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the UK.

The president said Russia, South Korea, Australia and India should be invited.

Last week, Mr Trump said it might be possible to hold a gathering at the White House and potentially parts of Camp David, the US presidential country retreat, despite concerns over the coronavirus pandemic.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel later rejected the president's invitation to attend a summit in person because of the outbreak.


On Friday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson "agreed on the importance of convening the G7 in person in the near future" following a conversation with the US president, the White House said in a statement.

The G7 - or Group of Seven - leaders were scheduled to meet by videoconference in June in response to Covid-19.

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