

Tigray crisisメモ(1月分)

2021-03-12 22:31:09 | Newsメモ

BBC Ethiopia Tigray crisis: EU concern over war crime reports 15 Jan 2021

They are accused of forcibly taking back Eritrean refugees who lived in the UN-run camps in Tigray, before the conflict there broke out.

BBC Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: US calls for Eritrea troops to withdraw 27 Jan 2021

The US has called for the immediate withdrawal of Eritrean troops in Ethiopia's Tigray region.

"Credible reports" had emerged of their involvement in human rights abuses, including sexual violence and looting, the state department said.

This is its first statement on the conflict since the Joe Biden administration took office last week.


"There is also evidence of Eritrean soldiers forcibly returning Eritrean refugees from Tigray to Eritrea," it added in a statement.

Nearly 100,000 Eritreans had lived in four camps in Tigray after fleeing political persecution and military conscription over the last decade.


Last month, Mr Abiy admitted that Eritrea had hosted armed Ethiopian troops who had retreated to its territory after the TPLF captured their bases in Tigray in early November.

"It could also exacerbate instability in neighbouring Somalia, from where Ethiopia has already withdrawn some of its peacekeeping forces, and even in Sudan, where the transitional government is already grappling with serious problems."



BBC Ethiopia Tigray crisis: Fear of mass starvation 18 Jan 2021

"Hundreds of thousands might starve to death" in Ethiopia's Tigray region, according to a government official quoted in a leaked copy of notes taken at a meeting of humanitarian workers.

Another official, quoted in notes from a meeting on 1 January describing the humanitarian needs, said that "while we were on the road and visit different places, people asked our escort for a single biscuit".
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