


2021-06-02 19:43:44 | Newsメモ
BBC 'At least 23 migrants drown off Tunisia coast' 2 Jun 2021

A humanitarian organisation says at least 23 migrants have drowned off the coast of Tunisia as they attempted to cross the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy.


BBC Mali leader appoints new prime minister 2 Jun 2021

Mali's transitional president Colonel Assimi Goïta has named Choguel Kokalla Maïga as new prime minister.

The former prime minister Moctar Ouane and former transitional president Bah Ndaw resigned last week after another coup.

Colonel Goïta who was the vice-president at the time accused them of violating the transitional agreement after a cabinet reshuffle.


BBC African Union suspends Mali and warns of sanctions 2 Jun 2021

Mali has been suspended from the African Union (AU) following last week's military coup - for the second time in nine months.

The first was last August following a military coup - but the country was reinstated after the heads of a civilian-led transitional government were announced.

BBC Acclaimed Tunisian scholar Hichem Djait dies(2 Jun 2021)

BBC Who's to blame for a deadly landslide in Uganda?(1 Jun 2021) BY Karnie Sharpe

It wasn’t the first landslide in the area - extreme weather conditions because of climate change are creating the conditions for these kinds of disasters to occur around Mt Elgon.

Survivors say more could have been done to stop the deaths.

BBC Cyclone Tauktae: Twenty-six dead after barge sinks due to cyclone 20 May 2021

Twenty-six bodies have been recovered off the coast of India's Mumbai city where a barge with 261 people on board sank on Monday during a severe cyclone.

The death toll is expected to rise as rescue operations continue. At least 53 people are still missing.

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