


2019-11-13 21:41:37 | Newsメモ
 なんでもanimal rights運動家がフォアグラ用のアヒルを飼養している農家に突撃、鳥かごにひっついて6時間ほど粘り、ついに警察に排除された。と、183羽ほどがストレスで死んでしまい、さらに300羽ほどオチちゃった。農家が怒り、その損害を訴えでたという。

BBC Belgian foie gras farmer blames activists for deaths of 500 ducks 12 Nov 2019

A Belgian farmer says animal rights activists who targeted his farm have caused the deaths of 500 ducks.

Filip Callemeyn told the BBC that 183 ducks died from stress because of the protest and another 300 had to be put down on Tuesday.

The activists insist they were not to blame for the death of the animals.

 運動家側曰く、鳥たちの死について、我々に責任はありません! だいたい、アヒルたちは息をするのも困難な状況で飼われているんですし、ストレスフルな状況で生きてましたし、お互い傷つけあうような状況だったんですよ!

 そもそもアヒルたちは既に病気だったんです(The animals were already ill)、恐ろしい状況で飼育されてて(and were being kept in dreadful conditions)…我々は静かに行動してましたし、獣医も連れてたんですから!

The activists, from a group called Animal Resistance, entered the farm on Saturday and glued themselves to the cages before police arrived. In a statement filmed beside the duck cages, they said the ducks were struggling to breathe and were living under stress and hurting each other.

The whole action lasted more than six hours as police had to bring a team in to unglue the activists.

Animal Resistance said it rejected all responsibility for the deaths.

"The animals were already ill and were being kept in dreadful conditions. We acted calmly and were accompanied by a vet," the group said in a statement.


The farm in Bekegem is due to be shut down by 2023, but the protesters said the closure date was not early enough.

"That's 500,000 ducks more that will be treated like this, and we want this farm shut down as soon as possible," spokesman Glenn Lemmens said.


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