


2019-11-13 21:29:31 | Newsメモ

BBC Polio in Nigeria: 'I opposed vaccinations until my son caught polio' 13 Nov 2019 By Charles Mgbolu

Adamu Misa used to chase health workers away from his home in northern Nigeria but now campaigns for vaccines after his son contracted polio.

Scared, his father took him to a traditional healer, who said an evil spirit had attacked his son, and applied some herbs.

 隣人が「それポリオじゃね?」と言ってくれて、病院にいったところ、まあそこそこ病状を抑えることが出来た。それから彼はワクチン広報運動家に鞍替えした。なにしろ”ワクチンなんぞなくても、うちの父ちゃんの兄弟はぴんぴんしてたぜ? そしてオレもだ!”というひとはぞろぞろおり、かつ”ワクチンなんぞ、我々の人口増加を抑えるための西洋人による不妊化の陰謀だ!”というひともぞろぞろいる土地柄。

Many parents in the Muslim-dominated northern Nigeria refuse to let their children receive life-saving vaccines because of unfounded beliefs, including that they are part of a Western plot to sterilise local women.

 しかし世界中でワクチン嫌いがひろがって、ヨーロッパやUSAでは麻疹が広がったし、日本やインドでもhuman papillomavirusへの反発があるよねえ、などとばっちり言及されている。こういう文脈で己の居住国の名を見るのは情けないもんですな。

There are instances of reluctance to accept the measles vaccine in parts of Europe, and the US, the human papillomavirus vaccine in Japan and India and the polio vaccine in parts of Pakistan.

At the local hospitals in Mr Misa's state there are more than enough vaccines to go round, but health workers there struggle to persuade parents to let their children have them.

There are reports of a rising number of anti-vaxxers in Nigeria, especially in the north.

Nigeria has not recorded any new cases of polio in the last three years and will be declared polio-free if it remains that way by mid-2020. But some people fear the disease may still be lingering on in remote areas where cases are not always officially recorded.


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