

コロナウィルス・パンデミック問題:”貧困層の支援のためにも、お金を刷って配るべきだ” 他

2020-04-24 21:34:40 | Newsメモ

BBC Coronavirus lockdown: Nobel prize economist says India must do more for poor 24 Apr 2020 By Soutik Biswas

A Nobel-prize winning economist has said India needs to be "much more generous" in providing relief to the millions of people who have been direly hit by the ongoing lockdown.

"We haven't done anything close to enough," Indian-American academic Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, told the BBC.

Prof Banerjee also feels India should not be afraid to print money to fund the expansion of welfare benefits.

"The US has taken the view that it can print money and spend it. I don't know why India shouldn't."




BBC Coronavirus Costa Atlantica: Japan investigates outbreak on docked liner 24 Apr 2020

Japan is investigating a virus outbreak among the crew of a cruise ship which docked in Nagasaki in January with no reported cases until a spike this week.

The Costa Atlantica now has 91 crew out of 623 who have tested positive so far, with one in a critical condition.

The ship had no passengers on board and diverted to Nagasaki for repairs rather than China due to the virus outbreak.

The crew were meant to have been confined to the ship but local media report some left the vessel.

"We think we will have a clearer picture once we get all the samples," Katsumi Nakata, head of the regional government's health and welfare department, is quoted as telling the AFP news agency.

"Considering the limited medical resources we have in this region, it is difficult for us to maintain and control the health of all the 630 people.

"We need to maintain the medical system for local residents," he said.

But NHK says crew members ventured into town even after local authorities asked them to stay on board.








BBC Coronavirus: Romania hands out steep lockdown fines 22 Apr 2020 By Stephen McGrath

Romania has issued 200,000 fines in under a month to people who failed to comply with restrictions to curb the spread of coronavirus.

The relatively high fines handed out between 24 March and 19 April amount to £69m (?78m), said to equal Romania's February 2020 corporate tax take.

Romanians have to fill out an official form before they leave home explaining why they have gone out, similar to rules in Italy and France. The form has to be presented along with an ID card if they are stopped by the police or military.

Anyone caught breaking restrictions in Romania faces fines of between 2,000 and 20,000 lei, in a country where the average monthly salary is around 3,000.



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