


2025-02-14 22:31:30 | ビルマ/ミャンマー
 軍事政権に逆戻りしてからざっと4年。経済破綻に紛争激化、気候変動の影響はまあどこだって同じだとして、貧困も悪化。止めたら? 国家運営。民営に戻そうよ?

Four years after the military coup which plunged Myanmar into turmoil, the country is facing an unprecedented “polycrisis,” marked by economic collapse, intensifying conflict, complex climate hazards and deepening poverty, according to a new report by the UN Development Programme (UNDP).

 今年は限界を試されることになりそうだ―と。まだしも仲良しなロシアだって正念場の年だし、止めたら? この方針。

UNNews Four years after the coup, Myanmar remains on the brink By Vibhu Mishra
29 January 2025

“The coming year will test Myanmar’s resilience to its limits,” the report warns, calling for urgent international engagement to mitigate further suffering and prevent total collapse.

“A more stable and peaceful Myanmar that thrives on a legal economy, protects it human and natural resource assets and invests in the safety and prosperity of all its people is also in the self-interest of its neighbours and the international community writ large,” it added.


Since 2020, Myanmar’s gross domestic product (GDP) has contracted by nine per cent, reversing the economic progress of the previous decade.


Against this backdrop, Myanmar’s illicit economy is thriving and it has become the world’s leading producer of opium and heroin, and one of the largest manufacturers of methamphetamines.


The dire economic and security situation has led to an exodus of Myanmar’s youth, with 3.7 million having migrated to Thailand by 2023. Many face exploitation and forced labour due to restrictive legal migration pathways, while those who remain are at risk of forced conscription into the military.

School enrolment rates have also dropped significantly as access to educational facilities has been disrupted by conflict and economic hardships. In the 2023/2024 academic year, over 20 per cent of children were not attending school.

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