

記事メモ:Nóra Quoirin death

2021-02-25 12:04:11 | Newsメモ




BBC Nóra Quoirin death: Girl's body 'placed in the jungle' 18 January 2021

The mother of a 15-year-old girl found dead in a Malaysian jungle says she believes her daughter's body was placed by somebody in the spot she was found.

Nóra Quoirin, from Balham in south London, vanished from her room at the Dusun rainforest resort in August 2019.

BBC Nóra Quoirin: 'Misadventure' verdict for girl found in Malaysian jungle 4 January 2021

There was an opened window to the chalet with unidentified fingerprints found on the outside.

There was a "lack of major physical damage" to Nóra's body despite her "inability to handle terrain as complex as the Seremban jungle".

BBC Nóra Quoirin: Evidence in schoolgirl jungle death inquest ends 10 December 2020

BBC Nóra Quoirin: Vanished girl's body 'showed no signs of assault' 30 November 2020

A pathologist who carried out a second post-mortem examination said there were "superficial scratches" on her limbs but no "superimposed wounding".

BBC Nóra Quoirin: Evidence in schoolgirl jungle death inquest ends 10 December 2020
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