


2021-11-11 22:21:37 | Newsメモ

BBC US 'hopeful' diplomacy will end Ethiopia war 11 Nov 2021

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says he is hopeful that diplomacy will work to end the war in Ethiopia.

He said he had been in contact with the African Union’s special envoy, former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, as well as the US regional envoy, Jeffrey Feltman.

"We are hopeful that, given the important work that president Obasanjo is engaged in - the efforts that we're making and others are engaged in - that there is still a window to pull back and to move this to a better place," he said on Wednesday.


BBC Ethiopia conflict: Tigray aid lorry drivers arrested, UN says 11 Nov 2021


The United Nations says that 72 drivers contracted to deliver humanitarian aid have been arrested in the war-torn north of Ethiopia.

It said that the drivers, who were working for the World Food Programme (WFP), were detained in Semera, capital of the Afar region.

The UN is speaking to the government to establish why they were stopped.

Lawyers and rights groups say the authorities targeted ethnic Tigrayan employees. The government denies arbitrarily arresting Tigrayans.

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