


2020-03-16 11:42:59 | Newsメモ

BBC Coronavirus: EU states record highest one-day death toll 15 Mar 2020


The three states bearing the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe have all recorded their highest death tolls for a single day.

Italy saw 368 deaths bring its total to 1,809, Spain recorded 97 more deaths for a total of 288, and France reported 29 deaths, giving a total of 120.

The UK also saw a single-day record, with 14 new deaths and a total of 35.


Italy has borne the heaviest burden from the pandemic with 24,747 infections and 1,218 of its fatalities were recorded in one region, Lombardy, which is home to the business hub of Milan.


Governments across Europe have responded by curbing the movements of citizens and tightening borders.

Germany is to impose controls on its borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg as of Monday morning, while Portugal will clamp down on its frontier with Spain.


The Czech government has introduced stringent lockdown measures: people will be allowed to go to and from work and buy food or medicine, and make urgent family visits, but otherwise free movement will be severely limited from midnight (23:00 GMT) on Sunday until 24 March.


In an indication of the extent of the crisis, Switzerland reported a leap in the number of infections by 800 to reach 2,200 in just 24 hours. The country has recorded 14 deaths.


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