


2019-11-22 10:17:22 | Newsメモ

BBC Motorcycle taxi drivers storm Indonesia hospital to get baby's body 22 Nov 2019

 手術料金等々を支払わないと遺体を返さんぞ、という病院側の言い分に対して、ムスリムは可及的速やかに葬儀する必要があるんだが? これは人道上の行動だぞ? という。

A motorcyclist has defended the storming of an Indonesian hospital morgue to claim the body of a baby being held over unpaid bills as a "humanitarian mission".

In Islam burials should normally take place as soon as possible.


"We took action after finding out the family couldn't take their child for burial because they couldn't pay the 25 million rupiahs ($1,774; £1,370) in bills they owed," Wardiansyah explained to BBC Indonesia.

Video of the incident went viral in Indonesia and sparked a renewed debate about the treatment of parents who can't afford to pay their medical bills.


Under President Joko Widodo, a universal healthcare program has been rolled out across the country, but the scheme has been beset with funding problems and many poor families have failed to register.


"I, on behalf of my colleagues, apologised for the incident and we aim to restore the good name of the hospital. We didn't know the procedure. It was taking too long, that's why we took that decision," said driver Alfiandri.

「オレのダチの甥っ子のソーシキすんのに、死体ねえとカッコつかねえでしょ? だからとってきた。あとはしらねえ。お前らが要るっつーなら、墓荒らしでもすりゃあいいんじゃね? それはそれで警察沙汰だけどな!」とかのほうが好みだな。昭和のヤンキー映画みたいだけど。
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