

Tigray crisisメモ(1)

2020-12-20 17:28:02 | Newsメモ

BBC Tigray crisis: Ethiopia orders military response after army base seized 4 November 2020

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has ordered a military offensive, after an army base was taken over by forces loyal to the regional government of Tigray.

Mr Abiy accused the region's ruling party, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), of launching the attack.

The attack resulted in "many martyrs, injuries and property damage", he said in a TV address.

Mr Abiy said that attackers "tried to loot" military assets during Wednesday morning's attack, adding that "the last red line had been crossed" forcing the federal government into a military confrontation.

Mr Abiy's office also accused the TPLF of dressing its soldiers in uniforms resembling those of the army of neighbouring Eritrea to "implicate the Eritrean government in false claims of aggression against the people of Tigray".


BBC Tigray crisis: Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed vows to continue military offensive 5 November 2020

The Ethiopian prime minister has vowed to continue a military offensive in the northern state of Tigray amid concerns it could descend into civil conflict.

Details are scant as the prime minister said information would be released once operations were over.

The African Union, whose headquarters are in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, is pushing for talks but the government is not willing to negotiate, sources told the Reuters news agency.



BBC Ethiopia's Tigray Crisis: Why Nobel laureate Abiy Ahmed sent his troops to battle 6 Dec 2020 By Farouk Chothia

"War makes for bitter men. Heartless and savage men," Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said when he received the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year ago - only for him to now wage a military operation in his own country.

Another US-based Ethiopia analyst, Alex De Waal, said the Abiy-Afwerki peace deal now looks more like a "security pact" to defeat the TPLF in Tigray.

"Eritrea had a major role in the war. There are reports that there were 20 brigades of Eritrean troops in Tigray. Ethiopian troops also withdrew to Eritrea," he said, although both governments denied that Eritrean forces entered Tigray.

"If I had known then what I know now I wouldn't have. But it is a double-edged sword. The Nobel prize gives you political capital, but it can also be a liability if you become known as the Nobel laureate who waged war."

 先になされた平和協定はTPLFをつぶすための軍事同盟の意味だったりせんかな、という。20個旅団(20 brigades)も展開してるって、それ、ひどいな。全て1500名程度の小型旅団としても、2~3個師団分に相当する。そりゃまあ…今回の紛争に際しても、そりゃあ…「活躍」したろうなあ…。
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