


2021-11-25 22:05:21 | Newsメモ

BBC Migrant tragedy is biggest loss of life in Channel 25 Nov 2021 By Alex Therrien

At least 27 people headed for the UK have drowned in the English Channel near Calais after their boat sank.

The International Organization for Migration said it was the biggest single loss of life in the Channel since it began collecting data in 2014.


Five women and a girl were among the dead, France's interior minister said.

Gerald Darmanin also said two people were rescued and one was missing. It was earlier reported 31 people had died, but the total was revised down overnight on Thursday.


Four people had been arrested near to the Belgian border, he added, saying: "We suspect that they were directly linked to this particular crossing."

Downing Street later said Mr Johnson and Mr Macron agreed on the importance of close working with neighbours in Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as other European countries, to tackle the problem before people reach the French coast.


For France on the conditions in the camps, with children living in the woods and streets. And for Britain the lack of legal routes for asylum to the UK, which critics says is one of the main reasons people accept the risk of taking to the seas.

Mr Macron also called for an "emergency meeting of European ministers concerned by the migration challenge".

He said since the start of this year 1,552 smugglers had been arrested in Northern France and 44 smuggler networks dismantled.

Despite this, 47,000 attempted Channel crossings to the UK had taken place this year and 7,800 migrants have been rescued, Mr Macron added.



BBC Somali among the two survivors of Channel boat tragedy 25 Nov 2021

A Somali was one of the two people who survived the fatal attempt to cross the English Channel that separates the UK from France, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has said.

The other survivor was from Iraq.

The two are in a critical condition with severe hypothermia and are being treated in a French hospital.


At least 27 people drowned on Wednesday as they were trying to make the journey in a small inflatable boat. Their identities are not yet known.


BBC Channel deaths: More boats arrive after 27 people drown 25 Nov 2021 By Dulcie Lee

More people have made the perilous journey across the English Channel, a day after 27 people drowned in the deadliest crossing on record.

A group wearing life jackets were seen huddled together onboard a lifeboat near Dover on Thursday morning.

That's because the route has become so lucrative for the people smugglers who charge migrants around £3,000 each to get on a boat.

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