


2021-11-25 21:14:20 | ソマリア関連
 ソマリア、al Shabab。まあその、彼らが爆弾テロをするのは今日に始まったことではなく、まあ何時でもあることだし民間人が吹き飛ぶのもまあまああることだが―白人の軍人を狙いましたが学童バスと学校とをガッツリぶっ飛ばしました、となると、流石に記事が連発する。

Somalia capital hit by big explosion
25 Nov 2021

A nearby school is said to have been badly damaged in the blast.


BBC Photos of Somalia explosion aftermath 25 Nov 2021

One of the photos show destroyed school buses of Mocaasir school.


BBC Suicide attack on security convoy in Somalia kills eight 25 Nov 2021 By Abdi Dahir

Police in Somalia have confirmed the death of eight civilians in a car bombing in the capital Mogadishu, state television has reported.

Some 17 other people have been wounded, including 13 children from a school near the blast scene.

An al-Shabab suicide bomber driving an explosives-laden vehicle targeted a convoy of a private security firm, Duguf, which is contracted to protect the UN.

 自動車爆弾テロで、white military officersを狙ったというal Shababよりのメディアが言うのだという。ならもうちょっと真面目に軍人を狙おうよと。よりにもよって学童を吹っ飛ばすのは止めようよと。

The al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militants have confirmed carrying out the attack. Pro-al-Shabab media sources said the militants targeted “white military officers”.

BBC School pupils injured in Somalia blast - police 25 Nov 2021

The news agencies have been filing some pictures of the aftermath of this morning's huge blast in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

The explosion went off near a school and this picture shows the wreckage of a bus alongside other damage to the school's buildings:

"We counted eight dead people and 17 others including 13 students injured," the Reuters news agency quotes police spokesman Abdifatah Aden Hassan as saying.

The militant group al-Shabab said it was behind the attack and targeting UN convoy, the Reuters reports.

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