


2024-05-02 21:06:48 | Newsメモ
 DR Congo。反乱組織M23が同国東部のRubayaなる地を奪取したと。この周辺にはコルタン鉱山があるとのことで―この国はコルタン産出量にかけては世界第二位だが、その多くはここから出てきたんだというのだ。

BBC Key mining town seized - DR Congo rebels 20 hours ago
Samba Cyuzuzo


A town at the heart of mining coltan, a key ingredient in making mobile phones, has been seized in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo by rebel forces, their spokesman has said.

Rubaya fell into the hands of M23 fighters on Tuesday following heavy clashes with government troops, Willy Ngoma said.

The government has not yet commented, but a civil society activist confirmed that M23 had captured the strategic town.

DR Congo is the world's second-biggest producer of coltan, with most of it coming from the mines around Rubaya in the Masisi district.


It happened on the day France's President Emmanuel Macron called on neighbouring Rwanda to "halt its support" for the M23 rebel group.

BBC Macron urges Rwanda to 'halt support' for M23 rebels 0:44 1 May

 5月1日の記事。DR Congoの大統領がフランスを訪問中、ジョイントステートメントを出したのだ。

French President Emmanuel Macron has urged Rwanda to "halt its support" for the M23 rebels wreaking havoc in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

In a joint press conference with DR Congo's President Felix Tshisekedi, who is on a visit to Paris, Mr Macron said: "Rwanda must halt its support for M23 and withdraw its forces from Congolese territory."

The UN, EU and US have said that Rwanda, which is also led by Tutsis, is backing the M23. The government in Kigali has repeatedly denied this.

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