BBC Brazil floods drive thousands from their homes 1 day ago
Felipe Souza, Fernando Otto, Ligia Guimarães & Luiz Antônio Araujo
「"When I left for work on Monday, I could still get through the water-logged street with my car. By the afternoon, the army was rescuing people with a truck," says Porto Alegre resident Magda Moura.
That was the day that the floods which have devastated parts of southern Brazil cut off the building she lived in.
"By Wednesday, the water had reached [a height of] 1.7m (5ft 6in)," she recalls.」
「The 45-year-old physiotherapist is one of 408,100 people who have been displaced by floods triggered by torrential rain in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
At least 116 people have died across the state and, with many towns still cut off by the flood waters, hopes of finding the more than 140 people who are still missing are dwindling.」
「About 70,000 people are living in temporary shelters. Roselaine da Silva is one of them. She is staying in an evangelical church with her three children, one of whom has autism. Their two dogs are with them, but she says she's had to leave her two cats behind in her flooded Sarandi neighbourhood.」
「"Today the vet said these animals could not stay inside because of the risk of transmitting diseases. But the school across the street has given us the gymnasium so we can build a kennel and a cattery."」
「Despite the devastation and despair, there are glimmers of hope. Churches, community centres, and volunteers have been coming together to provide support and assistance to those in need. Donations pour in from across Brazil, and people from all walks of life are lending a helping hand.」
Felipe Souza, Fernando Otto, Ligia Guimarães & Luiz Antônio Araujo
「"When I left for work on Monday, I could still get through the water-logged street with my car. By the afternoon, the army was rescuing people with a truck," says Porto Alegre resident Magda Moura.
That was the day that the floods which have devastated parts of southern Brazil cut off the building she lived in.
"By Wednesday, the water had reached [a height of] 1.7m (5ft 6in)," she recalls.」
「The 45-year-old physiotherapist is one of 408,100 people who have been displaced by floods triggered by torrential rain in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
At least 116 people have died across the state and, with many towns still cut off by the flood waters, hopes of finding the more than 140 people who are still missing are dwindling.」
「About 70,000 people are living in temporary shelters. Roselaine da Silva is one of them. She is staying in an evangelical church with her three children, one of whom has autism. Their two dogs are with them, but she says she's had to leave her two cats behind in her flooded Sarandi neighbourhood.」
「"Today the vet said these animals could not stay inside because of the risk of transmitting diseases. But the school across the street has given us the gymnasium so we can build a kennel and a cattery."」
「Despite the devastation and despair, there are glimmers of hope. Churches, community centres, and volunteers have been coming together to provide support and assistance to those in need. Donations pour in from across Brazil, and people from all walks of life are lending a helping hand.」