mega blazeだなんて、英語を知って間もない中学2年生がつくるオリジナル・ゲームの主人公の必殺技的な表現が、むしろ事態の深刻さ加減をよく伝えている感。
BBC Australia bushfires: 'Mega blaze' destroys homes ahead of heatwave 16 Dec 2019
40万ヘクタールも焼き、シドニー西に広がるBlue Mountainsにせまるという。写真がもはや物語る。山の稜線の向うはみんな火事。ないし煙。下から赤く照らし出されていて―火山の噴火なら諦めがつく(そしてより致死的である)が、「火事」だなどと、なんか人間的な努力でどうにかなりそうな概念であるがゆえ、なんとも整理しがたい感情がわきおこるのではないか。
「Authorities in Australia have issued fresh warnings about a "mega blaze" after it spread beyond containment lines and razed 20 houses near Sydney.」
「The fire, burning over about 400,000 hectares, has moved further into the Blue Mountains - a popular tourist area which lies west of the city.」
「Temperatures could exceed the 50.7C (123.26F) record set in Oodnadatta, South Australia, in 1960, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.」
「The bushfires and extreme weather has Australia's landscape, sparking public debate about the need for stronger climate action.」
「Last week, parts of Sydney suffered air quality 22 times worse than the clean air standard. Australia's largest city has about five million residents.」
「Firefighters had tried to use cooler temperatures for "back-burning" - a tactic of deliberately starting small fires to remove vegetation before dangerous conditions arrive.」
「But in this instance the tactic backfired and crews lost control of the back-burn, said NSW Rural Fire Service deputy commissioner Rob Rogers.」
BBC Sydney smoke: Conditions like 'smoking 80 cigarettes a day' at SCG in Sheffield Shield 10 Dec 2019
「The "toxic" conditions at the Sydney Cricket Ground, caused by bushfires, left players feeling like they have "smoked 80 cigarettes", says Australia spinner Steve O'Keefe.
Players said it was "hard to breathe" and visibility was reduced during New South Wales' Sheffield Shield match with Queensland on Tuesday.」
「Air Quality Index ratings were monitored throughout the day but readings were never high enough to stop play.」
BBC Australia bushfires: 'Mega blaze' destroys homes ahead of heatwave 16 Dec 2019
40万ヘクタールも焼き、シドニー西に広がるBlue Mountainsにせまるという。写真がもはや物語る。山の稜線の向うはみんな火事。ないし煙。下から赤く照らし出されていて―火山の噴火なら諦めがつく(そしてより致死的である)が、「火事」だなどと、なんか人間的な努力でどうにかなりそうな概念であるがゆえ、なんとも整理しがたい感情がわきおこるのではないか。
「Authorities in Australia have issued fresh warnings about a "mega blaze" after it spread beyond containment lines and razed 20 houses near Sydney.」
「The fire, burning over about 400,000 hectares, has moved further into the Blue Mountains - a popular tourist area which lies west of the city.」
「Temperatures could exceed the 50.7C (123.26F) record set in Oodnadatta, South Australia, in 1960, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.」
「The bushfires and extreme weather has Australia's landscape, sparking public debate about the need for stronger climate action.」
「Last week, parts of Sydney suffered air quality 22 times worse than the clean air standard. Australia's largest city has about five million residents.」
「Firefighters had tried to use cooler temperatures for "back-burning" - a tactic of deliberately starting small fires to remove vegetation before dangerous conditions arrive.」
「But in this instance the tactic backfired and crews lost control of the back-burn, said NSW Rural Fire Service deputy commissioner Rob Rogers.」
BBC Sydney smoke: Conditions like 'smoking 80 cigarettes a day' at SCG in Sheffield Shield 10 Dec 2019
「The "toxic" conditions at the Sydney Cricket Ground, caused by bushfires, left players feeling like they have "smoked 80 cigarettes", says Australia spinner Steve O'Keefe.
Players said it was "hard to breathe" and visibility was reduced during New South Wales' Sheffield Shield match with Queensland on Tuesday.」
「Air Quality Index ratings were monitored throughout the day but readings were never high enough to stop play.」