


2017-10-09 16:06:11 | Newsメモ
BBC Rohingya crisis: Two die as boat capsizes off Bangladesh 8 Oct 2017


 …あれ? 数時間たったら、犠牲者数が上がっている…。「10名」という記事紹介文をみてクリックしたら「12名」とか言ってる…。

BBC North Korea: Kim Jong-un promotes sister to politburo 8 Oct 2017

Kim Yo-jong, the youngest daughter of late leader Kim Jong-il, will be replacing her aunt as a member of the Workers Party's Politburo


Among other announcements made on Saturday was the decision to promote Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho - who last month referred to US President Donald Trump as "President Evil" at a UN meeting - to a full vote-carrying member of the Politburo

 外相Ri Yong-hoも格上げ。

BBC Ghana's capital rocked by huge gas blasts 8 Oct 2017


BBC Argentine Airlines suspends flights to Venezuela 9 Oct 2017

 アルゼンチン航空がカラカス便を停止の意向。「It joins dozens of airlines who have taken similar action」ということで、ヴェネズエラの孤立化がさらに一層進むということに:「Iata, the trade body for the world's airlines, says Venezuela is becoming increasingly isolated」。

Airline companies have been attempting for years to change the local bolivar currency it receives when it sells tickets in Venezuela into dollars. But the government strictly controls the amount of foreign currency it allows onto the market

Most of the airlines that have left reported disputes with the Venezuelan government over unpaid contracts and worries over crew safety


BBC Madagascar plague: WHO in huge release of antibiotics 7 Oct 2017


A Seychellois basketball coach died in a hospital in Antananarivo on 27 September during the Indian Ocean Basketball Championship

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