BBC A man dresses as his dead sister to help his grieving mum 17 Jul 2017 By Patrick Evans & Kerry Allen
「A video about a man in his fifties who has been dressing as a woman for 20 years "to help his mentally ill mum cope with the death of his sister" is being widely shared on Chinese social media」
そりゃちょっと何だろこれ、という気はするだろうけど、彼が女装したら「He added that his mother was immediately convinced that her daughter had come back. "She was so happy, so I kept doing it," he said」。愛情だよねえ。
「"She is my daughter. When my other daughter died she became my daughter."」…うん、まあ、わかる。
BBC A man dresses as his dead sister to help his grieving mum 17 Jul 2017 By Patrick Evans & Kerry Allen
「A video about a man in his fifties who has been dressing as a woman for 20 years "to help his mentally ill mum cope with the death of his sister" is being widely shared on Chinese social media」
そりゃちょっと何だろこれ、という気はするだろうけど、彼が女装したら「He added that his mother was immediately convinced that her daughter had come back. "She was so happy, so I kept doing it," he said」。愛情だよねえ。
「"She is my daughter. When my other daughter died she became my daughter."」…うん、まあ、わかる。