


2017-12-28 11:41:13 | ビルマ/ミャンマー
BBC Sold for ransom: On the trail of Thailand's human traffickers By Jonathan Head 22 May 2015

As the trade in human beings becomes more and more profitable, the BBC's Jonathan Head discovers that entire communities in Thailand are helping the traffickers

 冒頭からぶっとんだ内容でげんなりするが。タイのボランティアとともにマングローブ林にわけいって発掘すると、着物をきたままの骨がみつかって…なんて話に続き、「Had she lived, the ordeal ahead of her, on her route to a better life in Malaysia, might have been even worse」なんて書かれる。

 なお「Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing here from mistreatment in Myanmar for several years - but this time the men were not Rohingyas. They were Bangladeshis」とあり、コトはミャンマーのロヒンギャだけでなく、バングラデシュ人の問題でもある。

 記者が近くの地区の区長とお話したところ、「Over several days, I watched him dealing with angry phone calls from government officials and police, criticising him for talking to the media, and demanding that he send the Bangladeshis to immigration detention centres」、といって難民をセンターに送っても「It was an open secret that many of the migrants sent there were simply sold back to the traffickers」、これは「詰んだ」と言うよなあ。

 で。特にバングラデシュにとっての大問題というのは「The arrival of growing numbers of Bangladeshis, together with the Rohingyas, showed that the trade in humans was expanding. And no wonder. It was immensely profitable」「The Thai ransom business had become so lucrative that the traffickers have extended their operations into Bangladesh」であり、隣国の安定は自国の安定にとても重要だというのがよくわかる一例である。



 さらに:BBC The perilous journey of a migrant boat that made it 20 May 2015

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