As 71 children died of rabies, local authorities in Luanda, the capital of Angola, have been rounding up stray dogs and cats. And a mass vaccination scheme is under way. There are some ordeals to Angola's dogs and cats:
BBC Angola acts after rabies deaths 18 Feb 2009
But in a village in the Indian state of Orissa, a bitch had the privilege of getting "wifehood" of a two-year-old boy:
BBC Two-year-old Indian 'marries dog' 18 Feb 2009 By Sanjaya Jena
She hadn't shown much interest in this cherry boy, however.
BBC Angola acts after rabies deaths 18 Feb 2009
But in a village in the Indian state of Orissa, a bitch had the privilege of getting "wifehood" of a two-year-old boy:
BBC Two-year-old Indian 'marries dog' 18 Feb 2009 By Sanjaya Jena
She hadn't shown much interest in this cherry boy, however.