


2023-10-05 22:15:55 | Newsメモ

BBC US sanctions Chinese firms in crackdown on fentanyl supply chain 4 Oct 2023 By Christy Cooney


The US has announced sanctions on 25 China-based firms and individuals allegedly involved in the production of chemicals used to make fentanyl.

Fentanyl, a potent opioid used as a painkiller or sedative, plays a major role in the US drug crisis.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the drug's supply chain "often starts with chemical companies in China".


"The Chinese government has been strictly cracking down on drug crimes... and we deploy the harshest control on precursor chemicals.

"Imposing pressure and sanctions cannot solve the United States' own problems. It will only create obstacles in the China-US co-operation on drug control," it said.

Fentanyl can be legally prescribed by doctors, but a dramatic increase in opioid addiction in the US in recent decades has led to a rise in illegal production and overdoses.

In 2022, the drug was linked to a record 109,680 deaths.


The US justice department has also unsealed indictments charging eight Chinese companies and 12 of their employees with crimes related to fentanyl and methamphetamine production, the distribution of opioids and sales resulting from precursor chemicals.

No-one has been arrested and the Chinese government did not work with US authorities on the investigations, Mr Garland said.

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