


2017-12-30 12:12:22 | Newsメモ
BBC North Korea: South seizes ship amid row over illegal oil transfer 29 Dec 2017


The revelations came as China denied claims by President Donald Trump it had allowed oil shipments to the North


There has been increasing suspicion in Washington that Chinese ships have been secretly transferring petroleum to North Korean vessels at sea


On Thursday, Mr Trump tweeted he was "very disappointed" with China, which he said had been "caught red-handed"


Quoting South Korean government officials, the report said the illegal ship-to-ship transfers had been filmed by US spy satellites about 30 times since October


The ship entered Yeosu port in South Korea on 11 October to load up with refined oil and left for Taiwan four days later, Yonhap news agency reported.

But instead of going to Taiwan it transferred the oil to a North Korean ship and three other vessels in international waters on 19 October, South Korean officials were quoted as saying

 とあり、台湾にいくよー、と宣言して、公海上で「a North Korean ship and three other vessels」給油。この際、こののこりの三隻がなにものか、という興味はあるが…確認された北朝鮮の船は一隻だけだが、というあたりか。よそのプレイヤーが関わっているかもしれないが、北朝鮮と一緒くたのヤバげな橋を一緒に渡ろうというものもなかなかなさそう。


He said: "Oil is going into North Korea. That wasn't my deal. If they don't help us with North Korea, then I do what I've always said I want to do."


On Thursday, the UN Security Council also denied international port access to four more North Korean ships suspected of carrying banned goods, AFP reported. It would bring the total number of ships blocked by the UN to eight


産経新聞 ロシア船も海上で石油移転か 北に、ロイター報道 2017.12.30 09:54



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