news release

2006年08月24日 11時06分42秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
As to the DVD I referred to August 11,we made 70 copies of DVD as a first try and began delivering them to people who wanted to buy from the beginning of this week. Fortunately they sold well and now the present stock of them is around 10 copies and the first selling will be in the end soon. Personally I want to take a rest for some time . But,in the near future I think we have to make around 100 copies of them.
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from today's Nikkei

2006年08月24日 10時56分36秒 | 新聞記事から
世界再編に備え 2008年メド


Nippon Steel has decided that it will expand its alliance with Mittal Steel.In the United States it will build a new plant for steel plates for automobiles around the year 2008. This is for preparing for the worldwide realignment in the industry.

in a chart,
Relationship between Nippon Steel and World's Major Steel Makers over Steel Plates for Automobiles
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