from today's Nikkei

2006年08月01日 09時43分57秒 | 新聞記事から
住宅ローン金利 緩やか上昇
大手行 固定型 一部0.003-0.1%上げ


Bank of Japan's lifting of the zero-interest rate policy has had a gradual effect on some economic activities. Especially, houseing loan interst rates have been and will be on a gradual upward trend.Some major city banks will likely raise their fixed-typed housing loan interest rates by 0.003 to 0.1 % in the near future.

in a table,
Housing Loan Interst Rrates( As of 8/2006)
note:Unit:percent;The figures in parentheses are those campared with July;
The figure for 20 years of Mitsui-Sumitomo is that for over 15 yaers through 20 years.ーindicates "unchanged."
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