from today's Nikkei

2006年08月18日 12時16分10秒 | 新聞記事から
禁止行為 違反に刑事罰
政府 若手の官民交流 推進


Regulations about direct descending of central government officials to the posts in the private sector are to be revised. According to the sources,criminal penalty would be imposed on some violations against the new regulations.The new measures include creating new jobs such as specialty jobs ,as a kind of absorber,in order to curb the so-called early-retirement of high-ranking officials.Another measure is the government's initiative of young people's interchange between the public and private sectors.

in a chart,
Draft Revision of Regulations on the High -Ranking Officials' Taking Jobs in the Private Sector

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about the DVD I referred to the other day

2006年08月18日 08時02分18秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
I referred to a DVD, which Takamatsu Lions Club was going to produce,in my article of August 11,titled by "お知らせ”. As to this DVD, we have finally finished all preparatory procedures and we will be able , from next Monday,to deliver it to everybody who wish to get . If you want to get it, please refer to my article on August 11.
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