英語で喋るとき、どこで息を継ぐかということで、結構長いこと迷っていましたが、多分今年くらいからかわってきたと思うのですが、最近悟るところがありました。結論は至って簡単:息が続くまで喋って、息を継ぎたくなったところで息をつげ、です。例えば、A lot of people say that・・・なら、むかしの私は、sayのあとでpauseがあるだろうと考えたわけです。それは論理的理由からです。けれども実際は、A lot of people say thatと一気に言ってから、pauseをとることが多い事に気づくと、これは息の長さでそこまで一気に行くほうが言いやすいからということであろうと気づくわけです。さらに、they have done .......,because they....のような文章でも、CNN等を聞いていたら殆どの人はbecause のあとで息をついでいます。従来の私は、because の前で息をついでいたのです。だからむかし自分が気にしていたことは、詰まらんことみたいだと分かりました。好きなように、自分の体の赴くままに喋るのでいいらしいと分かったのです。
However,it is not the case that the community bond has long traditionally been weak in Japan.Rather,on the contrary,in a strong unity in the community,people used to jointly engaged in a lot of daily activities regarding production,education and welfare matters.
But,with the change in the economic and sociological environment, such a strong unity of community has gradually become thinner.
The results of an opinion poll on the local autonomy released in 1952 include the follwing:
・If they don't associate with people in their neighborhood,27% said
they will soon have a difficulty in their daily life,and majority of
the respondents,70%,said that they don't feel any
・38% hopes that they deeply associate with the people around them,while
about 50% has an attitude that they should not deeply do so with even
the people living in the same region.
This means the situation even in the days more than 50 years ago was greatly different from the conventionally recognized situation,where people cannnot make a living without the unity of community,which used to be the case in " village " in an agricultural age.
In " Community-Restoration of Humanity in Daily Life" released in 1969 ( compiled by The National Life Council Reserach Department), was referred to the trend that people's human relationship in a community had been gradually becoming weaker, and also was expressed the concern about the problem caused by the dilution of community bond.
Therefore, we can see community unity had already become weak to some extentin the late 1960s.
However,it is not the case that the community bond has long traditionally been weak in Japan.Rather,on the contrary,in a strong unity in the community,people used to jointly engaged in a lot of daily activities regarding production,education and welfare matters.
But,with the change in the economic and sociological environment, such a strong unity of community has gradually become thinner.
The results of an opinion poll on the local autonomy released in 1952 include the follwing:
・If they don't associate with people in their neighborhood,27% said
they will soon have a difficulty in their daily life,and majority of
the respondents,70%,said that they don't feel any
・38% hopes that they deeply associate with the people around them,while
about 50% has an attitude that they should not deeply do so with even
the people living in the same region.
This means the situation even in the days more than 50 years ago was greatly different from the conventionally recognized situation,where people cannnot make a living without the unity of community,which used to be the case in " village " in an agricultural age.
In " Community-Restoration of Humanity in Daily Life" released in 1969 ( compiled by The National Life Council Reserach Department), was referred to the trend that people's human relationship in a community had been gradually becoming weaker, and also was expressed the concern about the problem caused by the dilution of community bond.
Therefore, we can see community unity had already become weak to some extentin the late 1960s.
At first, we see the relationship among the people in the neighborhood in relation to the change of community bond.
Asked how much they associate with the people in their neighborhood, 52.8 %, more than half the respondents, said " they associate friendly with them" in 1975, but the figure declined in 1997 at 42.3 %.
As ,on the other hand, during the same period, the ratio who replied "do not associate with them so much" incresed from 11.8% to 16.7%,we can see the relationship among the people in the neighborhood becoming gradually weak.
At first, we see the relationship among the people in the neighborhood in relation to the change of community bond.
Asked how much they associate with the people in their neighborhood, 52.8 %, more than half the respondents, said " they associate friendly with them" in 1975, but the figure declined in 1997 at 42.3 %.
As ,on the other hand, during the same period, the ratio who replied "do not associate with them so much" incresed from 11.8% to 16.7%,we can see the relationship among the people in the neighborhood becoming gradually weak.
この表現も、mosquitoが名詞でbornがbear 過去分詞であり、意味は、「蚊が運ぶ」という意味です。蚊が媒介する病気などでの形容詞。
Of them, 17 had been the antibody of the mosquito-born disease, according to Ken Maeda, an associate professor at Yamaguchi Unoversity.
私の従来の頭では、蚊が媒介する、蚊が運ぶ、となれば、mosquito-bearing とかmosquito-carrying としたくなるわけです。mosquito-bearing box なら意味があるわけでしょうが、mosquito-bearing disease はありえないということですね。
actor-turned politician(もとフィリピンの大統領Estradaが終身刑の判決を上告したという記事で) も、この間までは、なかなかなじまない表現でした。energy-saving effort という言葉が今日の新聞に出ていました(Dell unveils environmental plan)。確かにenergyはsaveの目的語になっています。
New orders for costly U.S.-made manufactured goods dropped atthe sharpest rate in seven months during August,
の記事でも、「U.S.-made 」はU. S. がmake したgoods という意味でしょうが、確かに富井氏の言うとおりの言葉の使い方になっています。ここでの「made」は、made in Japan のmadeの言葉の使い方とは違っていると思います。
For me, he (Nazarbayev) is a God-appointed man. というのは今日に新聞に載っていたが、これも「神が選んだ」という意味だとわかる。
Of them, 17 had been the antibody of the mosquito-born disease, according to Ken Maeda, an associate professor at Yamaguchi Unoversity.
私の従来の頭では、蚊が媒介する、蚊が運ぶ、となれば、mosquito-bearing とかmosquito-carrying としたくなるわけです。mosquito-bearing box なら意味があるわけでしょうが、mosquito-bearing disease はありえないということですね。
actor-turned politician(もとフィリピンの大統領Estradaが終身刑の判決を上告したという記事で) も、この間までは、なかなかなじまない表現でした。energy-saving effort という言葉が今日の新聞に出ていました(Dell unveils environmental plan)。確かにenergyはsaveの目的語になっています。
New orders for costly U.S.-made manufactured goods dropped atthe sharpest rate in seven months during August,
の記事でも、「U.S.-made 」はU. S. がmake したgoods という意味でしょうが、確かに富井氏の言うとおりの言葉の使い方になっています。ここでの「made」は、made in Japan のmadeの言葉の使い方とは違っていると思います。
For me, he (Nazarbayev) is a God-appointed man. というのは今日に新聞に載っていたが、これも「神が選んだ」という意味だとわかる。
三菱重工 中国の原発市場に参入 設備受注 1000億円超 米欧大手と競う 現地企業と提携、技術供与
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will full-fledgedly enter the Chinese nuclear power plant market, having a business tie-up with a Chinese heavy electricity machinery maker.It has already got the order from the Chinese government of building the major facilities of two nuclear power plants worth more than 100 billion yen after fierce competition with rivals in the West.Regarding the business tie-up with the Chinese company, Mitsubish will likely provide necessary technological transfer for the company.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will full-fledgedly enter the Chinese nuclear power plant market, having a business tie-up with a Chinese heavy electricity machinery maker.It has already got the order from the Chinese government of building the major facilities of two nuclear power plants worth more than 100 billion yen after fierce competition with rivals in the West.Regarding the business tie-up with the Chinese company, Mitsubish will likely provide necessary technological transfer for the company.