
2007年09月27日 14時34分36秒 | その他
oil-producing countriesとかsupplyer-developed material などの言葉で、oil-producing 、supplyer-developed が複合語です。ここでは形容詞です。要するにハイフンで言葉をつなぎ新しい言葉を作っています。
動詞との関係ではAが主語である。supplyer-developed という場合、supplyerがdevelopしたのである。

Bを~するです。oil-producing の場合、oil をproduce するのです。だからBは動詞との関係では目的語になったいる。

a Callaghan-led coalition はCallaghan がlead するCoalitionです。(名詞(A)ー過去分詞型)

UAW has negotiated industry-leading wage hikes .(名詞(B)ー現在分詞型)となれば、UAWは自動車業界をリードするような賃金値上げ交渉を 過去からいままでやってきたということです。industry をlead するような賃金値上げだったわけです。

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from today's Nikkei

2007年09月27日 08時36分07秒 | 新聞記事から
福田内閣 支持率59% 給油継続賛成47%、反対上回る 衆院解散「予算成立後」32%
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun carried out an opinion poll on the Fukuda administration in the period from 25th to 26th of this month. According to the results of the survey,the approval rating was 59%, up 18 points compared to that for the Abe administration as of the end of August.Disapproval rating was 27%, down 13 points.Regarding the Maritime Defense Force's supplying oil for other countries' army vessels, 47% said "in favor" of its continuation,exceeding the ratio of the respondents answering " against it."In response to the question about the desired time for the House of Representatives general election, 32% cited " after the next fiscal year's budget bill is passed" as the best timing.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年09月26日 10時52分49秒 | 新聞記事から
福田首相選出 内閣が始動 国会攻防にらむ 防衛・石破氏、文科・渡海氏 外相に高村氏横滑り 手堅さ優先 13閣僚再任
Yasuo Fukuda was elected on Wednesday as the 91st Prime Minister of Japan in parliament. And he soon organized his cabinet. Regarding the nomination of the cabinet ministers,priority was given to steadiness,with 13 members renominated for the post.Taking into consideration the fierce discussion in the Diet, Shigeru Ishiba was nominated as Defense Minister,and Kisaburo Tokai was nominated as Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology Minister.Former Defense Minister Msahiko Takamura moved to Foreign Minister.
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from Sunday's Nikkei

2007年09月25日 10時16分44秒 | 新聞記事から
外食・小売のパート雇用 「正社員並み」半数企業で 本社調査 人材確保狙う 一般パート「待遇改善」9割
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun conducted a questionnaire survey of the companies in the food-service and retail industries on the part-time workers' labor conditions in the circumstances that the revised Part-Time Worker Labor Management Law will be effective from next April.According to the results of the survey,it was revealed that more than half the companies responding the questionnaire have already employed "quasi-full-time" part-timers whose labor conditions are almost on a par with those of their full-time workers.Even in relation to other general part-timers, more than 90 % of the responding companies replied they will improve the conditions. The industries of food-service and retail are those highly depending on part-time workers, and are always suffering from shortage of labor.Then the industries seem to aim at securing good human resources by improving the labor conditions.
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from today's Nikkei

2007年09月25日 09時58分41秒 | 新聞記事から
自民党幹事長に伊吹氏 新設の選対委員長 古賀氏起用 総務会長 二階氏 政調会長 谷垣氏
On Tuesday after elected as prime minister in parliament,Yasuo Fukuda, President of the Liberal Democratic Party,will launch his cabinet. In advance of this,on monday, He decided the executive members of the party. He nominated Bunmei Ibuki as Secretary General,Sadaiti Tanigaki as Policy Research Council Chairman,and Toshihiro Nikai as General Council Chairman.As a new executive post was established Election Committee Chairman, and Makoto Koga was nominated for the post.

参考:あとから気づいたのですが、with を使えばもっと簡単に文章が圧縮できるのではないか?第二と第三の文章をwith でつなぐわけですが、
In advance of this,on monday, He decided the executive members of the party,with Bunmei Ibuki nominated as Secretary General,Sadaiti Tanigaki as Policy Research Council Chairman,and Toshihiro Nikai as General Council Chairman.
で、with 以下は、
with Bunmei Ibuki,Sadaichi Tanigaki and Toshihiro Nikai,nominated, respectively as Secretary General,Policy Research Council Chairman,and General Council Chairman.
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