政府・日銀 保有地売却を凍結 02-06年取得計2兆円分 相場下押し回避
Given the curent worldwide stock price plunge unlikely to stop,the government and the Bank of Japan are to freeze,for a while,selling in the market their stocks acquired from major banks and others as a measure for coping with the domestic financial crisis during the period from 2002 to 2006.The so-defined stocks are now worth about 2 trillion yen. The decision this time is done after they have taken account of the market-depressing effect resulting from the policy of selling plenty of stocks in the market.
Given the curent worldwide stock price plunge unlikely to stop,the government and the Bank of Japan are to freeze,for a while,selling in the market their stocks acquired from major banks and others as a measure for coping with the domestic financial crisis during the period from 2002 to 2006.The so-defined stocks are now worth about 2 trillion yen. The decision this time is done after they have taken account of the market-depressing effect resulting from the policy of selling plenty of stocks in the market.