My grandfather Ichiro, then Prime Minister,
was an advocate of the concept of yu-ai,
or "fraternity". This yu-ai is a way of
thinking that respects one's own freedom
and individual dignity while also respecting
the freedom and individual dignity of others.
There is a remarkable resonance between the
concept of the "bridge" in Mamoru Shigemitsu's
address and Ichiro's concept of yu-ai,
or "fraternity".
Now, fifty-three years later, here at the
very same United Nations General Assembly,
I declare with firm determination that
Japan will play again the role of a "bridge".
Mr. President,
Today, the world faces numerous arduous
challenges. This is not an easy era by
any means, but the "new Japan" will
not turn its back on such challenges.
Based upon the spirit of yu-ai,
or "fraternity", Japan will make
utmost efforts to become a "bridge"
for the world, between the Orient
and the Occident, between developed
and developing countries and between
diverse civilizations.
「友愛」に “fraternity” をあてたのだが、OEDをひくと、
1. The relation of a brother or of
brothers; brotherhood.
2. The state or quality of being
fraternal or brotherly; brotherliness.
3. A family of brothers. Obs. rare.
4. A body or order of men organized
for religious or devout purposes.
5. A body of men associated by some
tie or common interest; a company, guild.
6. A body of men of the same class,
occupation, pursuits, etc.
7. A social association of the students
or alumni of a college or university,
usually having a name
8. Used by Galton for: the brothers (and sisters)
of a family collectively. (1889 F. Galton Nat.
Inheritance 234 A Fraternity consists of the
brothers of a family, and of the sisters after
the qualities of the latter have been transmuted
to their Male Equivalents. )
国連開発計画(UNDP)の2008年の統計では、日本は人間開発指数では世界第8位だが、女性の政治経済的活動や意思決定に参画する機会などをもとにしたジェンダー・エンパワーメント指数(GEM)では、世界58位である。57位はベネズエラ、59位がキルギス。さらに2009年4月現在で、国会議員の中に女性が占める割合は世界134位だった。そういうわけで、いまだに世界から男尊女卑の国だと思われている日本の政治家にふさわしいボキャビュラリー だった。
My grandfather Ichiro, then Prime Minister,
was an advocate of the concept of yu-ai,
or "fraternity". This yu-ai is a way of
thinking that respects one's own freedom
and individual dignity while also respecting
the freedom and individual dignity of others.
There is a remarkable resonance between the
concept of the "bridge" in Mamoru Shigemitsu's
address and Ichiro's concept of yu-ai,
or "fraternity".
Now, fifty-three years later, here at the
very same United Nations General Assembly,
I declare with firm determination that
Japan will play again the role of a "bridge".
Mr. President,
Today, the world faces numerous arduous
challenges. This is not an easy era by
any means, but the "new Japan" will
not turn its back on such challenges.
Based upon the spirit of yu-ai,
or "fraternity", Japan will make
utmost efforts to become a "bridge"
for the world, between the Orient
and the Occident, between developed
and developing countries and between
diverse civilizations.
「友愛」に “fraternity” をあてたのだが、OEDをひくと、
1. The relation of a brother or of
brothers; brotherhood.
2. The state or quality of being
fraternal or brotherly; brotherliness.
3. A family of brothers. Obs. rare.
4. A body or order of men organized
for religious or devout purposes.
5. A body of men associated by some
tie or common interest; a company, guild.
6. A body of men of the same class,
occupation, pursuits, etc.
7. A social association of the students
or alumni of a college or university,
usually having a name
8. Used by Galton for: the brothers (and sisters)
of a family collectively. (1889 F. Galton Nat.
Inheritance 234 A Fraternity consists of the
brothers of a family, and of the sisters after
the qualities of the latter have been transmuted
to their Male Equivalents. )
国連開発計画(UNDP)の2008年の統計では、日本は人間開発指数では世界第8位だが、女性の政治経済的活動や意思決定に参画する機会などをもとにしたジェンダー・エンパワーメント指数(GEM)では、世界58位である。57位はベネズエラ、59位がキルギス。さらに2009年4月現在で、国会議員の中に女性が占める割合は世界134位だった。そういうわけで、いまだに世界から男尊女卑の国だと思われている日本の政治家にふさわしいボキャビュラリー だった。