I have decided to enter into consultations toward participating in the TPP negotiations with the countries concerned, on the occasion of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii which I will be attending from tomorrow.
"I have decided to start holding talks with related countries at the APEC meeting, which will start from tomorrow, towards joining the negotiations of TPP," Noda told reporters Friday.
“I’ve decided to start discussion with related countries toward joining TPP negotiations at the APEC summit in Honolulu,”
"We've decided to enter discussions toward joining negotiations,"
④Washington Postは、
“I’ve decided to start discussion with related countries toward joining TPP negotiations at the APEC summit in Honolulu,”
⑤New York Timesは、Japan to Join Talks on Pacific Trade Pact という見出しで、
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Friday that Japan would join talks toward an ambitious pan-Pacific free trade pact.
⑥Times of India が発行する経済紙Economic Timesは、
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Friday that Japan will participate in talks on joining a U.S.-backed Pacific Rim free trade zone, a decision strongly opposed by farmers who say the move will ruin them.
①から④は引用符を使って日本の首相の日本語表現をなぞっている。⑤⑥は記者が首相の発言を自分の頭で咀嚼して、間接話法で書いている。結局、①から⑥までの発言の核心はニューヨーク・タイムズの見出しJapan to Join Talks on Pacific Trade Pact ということにつきる。
"I have decided to start holding talks with related countries at the APEC meeting, which will start from tomorrow, towards joining the negotiations of TPP."
①Prime Minister Noda noted that he had decided to begin consultations with TPP members, with an eye to joining the TPP negotiations. The President welcomed that important announcement and Japan's interest in the TPP agreement…
②The President noted that all TPP countries need to be prepared to meet the agreement's high standards, and he welcomed Prime Minister Noda's statement that he would put all goods, as well as services, on the negotiating table for trade liberalization.
③The President noted that he would instruct USTR Kirk to begin the domestic process of considering Japan's candidacy, including consultations with Congress and with U.S. stakeholders on specific issues of concern in the agricultural, services and manufacturing sectors, to include non-tariff measures.
外務省は②のPrime Minister Noda's statement that he would put all goods, as well as services, on the negotiating table for trade liberalizationのくだりは事実無根であると米国に抗議したところ、米側が誤りを認めて陳謝したといっている(時事通信)。だが、15日の朝日新聞夕刊によるとホワイトハウスの副報道官があの発表は正確であり、修正するつもりはないと突っぱねた。
for the realization of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), I explained that Japan will enter into consultations toward participating in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations with the countries concerned, currently the only FTAAP scheme for which negotiation has started, and several economies expressed their welcome.
(2011.11.15 花崎泰雄)