ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム ヨーダ&どこ(?)12 love miniature goods - IWAKO Yoda&Where(?)12

2016年03月24日 | 日記

There is only
One Onigili
It's not enough

コドモカンガルゥ「日本のおにぎり、美味しかったよう! もっと食べたいよう!」
コアラ「コアラ! ソンナニ? マア、ホカニモアルナラ、ワタシモ…?」
カンガルゥ「モ? ねぇ、コレって和食でしょ? ユネスコ無形文化遺産ね?」

The baby kangaroo "Japanese Onigili, yummy! I wanna eat more!"
Bonnie the koala "Koala! Do you? Well, if you had something more, I'd like..., too?"
David the kangaroo "Too? Well, is that Washoku, right? It's in UNESCO Intangible heritage list?"
Michael the monkey "Yacky(Yes)(got bashful)"
Bonnie the koala " UNESCO what?"
Yoda "Oh, you like that. We have some more"
David the kangaroo "I'd also love to. Japanese Obentoh, I'd like to try it"

→IWAKO's erasers are just "monkey, koala, kangaroo, sandwich, hot dog bun, Obentoh, Taiyaki and Dango"
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オサンポ walk - コブシ咲く… a kobushi magnolia is blooming...

2016年03月24日 | 日記

A kobushi has been blooming
The wind got cold again
The flowers are white

気が付いた時には咲いていて、既に花びらがチラホラ散り始めていました。アレ~。数日前にはまだ蕾だったよーな、と思っていたんですが、最後に眺めてから実は何日も経っていた…? いや? あれ? そうかな…? 見てても見てない、とか、見てても忘れている、とか、春になり始めの、気候の安定しない時だから何かフワフワしちゃっているから、とか、色々な理由を見つけてみようとしても、どれもしっくり来ない感じで。まあナンダ、細かいことは気にせずに、目の前のコブシ(多分)の花を堪能しよう…デイインジャナイカ…。

When I noticed, the flowers have been blooming already. Oh? I thought, a few days ago, it was just bud. But it was around a week ago? Was it? Yes? I saw that, but I didn't see it. I saw that, but I didn't remember it. Well, when it's the beginning of spring, the weather is unstable, it gives me some kind of fluffy feelings. So? I tried to find a reason but it's not easy. OK, just enjoying seeing the flowers, I shouldn't care about the details.

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