English follows
みんな いきている いのち
Every creatures has a life.
1.なつ じゅぎょうちゅう いんどじん 16さい せいと
1. In summer, an Indian boy 16 years old student in the class of night junior high.
2.ぶーん ん? かだ!
2. A mosquito is flying in the classroom.
3.ばん! やった! しとめた!
3. Boom!!!! I killed it!!!
4.せんせい、、、。ちいさい むしだけど いのちがあるよ。 そ、、、そうだね、、。びえん
4. He said " Mis....A little mosquito has also life..." He was almost crying.. "Oh, yes, you're right..."