メルマガArcaMax, Jan.23の記事は同じ単語なのに相反する意味を持つ4つの単語を取り上げていました。
For some odd reason, words related to the act of reading seem to create ambiguity. "Peruse," "scan," "leaf through" and even "legible" can convey contradictory meanings.
この様な言葉は "contronym" と呼ばれているそうです。
At any rate, some dictionaries now list both definitions, so "peruse" has essentially become a "contronym," a word with two opposite meanings. If you do use "peruse," make sure your context indicates whether you mean "scrutinize" or "skim."
先日読んだRDのジョークで使われていた表現 "leaf through" にも次の両方の意味があるそうです。(残念ながらこのジョークのオチは分かりませんでした。)
And consider the seemingly innocent "leaf through." Does this phrase conjure up images of someone reading casually and superficially or of someone reading carefully and slowly? I'd lean toward the former, but there's also a suggestion of close examination.
"contronym" が出てきた時は文脈に要注意と言うことですね。
For some odd reason, words related to the act of reading seem to create ambiguity. "Peruse," "scan," "leaf through" and even "legible" can convey contradictory meanings.
この様な言葉は "contronym" と呼ばれているそうです。
At any rate, some dictionaries now list both definitions, so "peruse" has essentially become a "contronym," a word with two opposite meanings. If you do use "peruse," make sure your context indicates whether you mean "scrutinize" or "skim."
先日読んだRDのジョークで使われていた表現 "leaf through" にも次の両方の意味があるそうです。(残念ながらこのジョークのオチは分かりませんでした。)
And consider the seemingly innocent "leaf through." Does this phrase conjure up images of someone reading casually and superficially or of someone reading carefully and slowly? I'd lean toward the former, but there's also a suggestion of close examination.
"contronym" が出てきた時は文脈に要注意と言うことですね。