English Collection



2010年02月23日 | 英語学習

Reader's Digest リーダーズダイジェスト12月号のWord Powerクイズは "pro" と "con" の付く単語の特集だったので比較的知っている単語が多くありました。 しかし、"Pro and Con don't just mean "for" and "against".と但し書きがあるように難しい単語も幾つかありました。 その中で覚えたい単語が一つありました。 それは "propinquity" でWord Powerの解説にあったその意味と例文は:
"propinquity": nearness in place or time
"When deciding the dinner seating plan," Grandmother had warned me, "be vigilant for any unfortunate propinquities.
V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary:
Definition: closeness in proximity, nature, relationship, time or place
Tips: Propinquity refers to any kind of closeness, whether in time or distance, relationships between people, or similarities between people or things. Use proximity to describe physical closeness, especially with land, buildings etc. Use propinquity to describe other forms of closeness.
Usage Examples:
・The geographical propinquity of the two countries made trade between them natural. (proximity, closeness)
・The couple broke up because of a lack of propinquity. (connection, emotional closeness)
・The neighbors quickly became friends, not only because of the proximity of their homes, but also the propinquity of their personalities. (closeness, similarity)
・The twins were known for their propinquity in looks and personality. (closeness, nearness)

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