English Collection


Exhibit A

2010年02月02日 | 英語学習
これもO. Henryの短編 The Sphinx Apple にあった文です。
With his courtliest smile upon his heavy but classic features, Judge Menefee advanced, and took the apple, as if to examine it, from the hand of Dunwoody. In his hand it became Exhibit A.
"Exhibit A" マニュアルや契約書の末尾にある付属資料/規定等を示すのによく見かける表現ですが、ここでJudge Menefeeが手にしているのはリンゴのはずです。 辞書で確認すると "Exhibit" にこんな用法があるのが分かりました。 
・OneLook Quick Definitions: an object or statement produced before a court of law and referred to while giving evidence
・Dictionary.com: Law. a document or object exhibited in court and referred to and identified in written evidence.
なるほど、法廷などで示される証拠物件も "Exhibit X" となるのですね。
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