English Collection



2010年04月19日 | 英語学習
4/3/2010のThe Japan Times Onlineのキャプションです。
Kamei carrot: more insurance for regular banks
亀井氏は名前(静香)の割りに喧しいので "carrot"の個所を "parrot" と読んでいました。 以下が記事の冒頭です。
The government may lower the premiums banks pay to insure customer deposits and raise government guarantees on the money, financial services minister Shizuka Kamei said Friday.
飴と鞭は英語で "carrot and stick"、また英語でも日本語(英語から来た?)でも目の前に人参をぶら下げると言うあの人参ですね。  "carrot" を念のために辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: promise of reward as in carrot and stick ("Used the carrot of subsidized housing for the workers to get their vote")
・Dictionary.com: something hoped for or promised as a lure or incentive: To boost productivity, leaders hinted at the carrot of subsidized housing for the workers.
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