English Collection



2010年04月06日 | 英語学習
Asiatic Society of Japanのmonthly bulletinは他では余り見かける事のない文体で書かれています。2月に開かれた総会についての記事から幾つか引用します。
・The new year got off to a good start with the annual general meeting held at the British Ambassador's residence, kindly placed at our disposal by the Ambassador, Mr. David Warren, who was also our speaker. Among those attending were our honorary patron, H.I.H. Princess Takamado, and two other ambassadors, the Dutch Ambassador, Dr. Philip de Heer, and the Luxembourg Ambassador, Mr. Paul Steinmetz; also three former ambassadors, Dr. Aftab Seth of India, and Prof. Takeo Iguchi and Mrs. Hisami Kurokochi, all of whom spoke up later during the question and answer session.
・Prof. Morton, this time as President, now called upon those present to express their appreciation of his predecessor, Dr. C. Lee Colegrove, and then introduced our speaker, Mr. David Warren, who had taken as his subject "The Role of an Ambassador in Modern Times".
・So, what did he not do as an ambassador? In the old days, protocol--the ceremonial side of diplomatic life, the holding of receptions, investitures and other occasions requiring formal dress--was the central element.
この "investitures" は知らない単語なので辞書を見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: 1. the ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office; the formal promotion of a person to an office or rank 2. the ceremony of installing a new monarch
・Dictionary.com: the formal bestowal, confirmation, or presentation of rank, office, or a possessory or prescriptive right, usually involving the giving of insignia or an official title.
私には一生関係ない事ですがせめてこの言葉 "investitures" だけでも覚えたいです。
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