English Collection



2012年02月11日 | 英語学習
昨日引用したReader's Digest 1月号の@WORK (Tales from the office water cooler)にあった投書に "We can't just send people down on your say-so," said the specialist impatiently. と言う文がありました。そこで使われている "say-so" の意味は文字通り「そのように言う」と解釈しても通じますが、辞書にはどの様な説明があるか、また例文を探して見たいと思います。
・Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary:
1: a statement that is not supported by any proof: - He said he did the work himself, but we have only his say-so that that's what actually happened.
2 : permission that is given by a person who has authority: - She left the hospital on the say-so of her doctor. - Nothing was done without his say-so.
3 : the power to decide something: - She has the ultimate say-so on/over what will be taught.
・Macmillan Dictionary: on someone’s say-so: based on what someone says, but without any proof from them: The police won’t investigate the claim on the say-so of a known criminal.
ちょっと意外です。 根拠の無い主張にも、許可の様な権威のある発言の意味にもなるのでは文脈をしっかりと見ないといけませんね。
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