English Collection


We'll call you

2012年12月02日 | 英語学習
さて日曜恒例のジョーク紹介ですが、 今日はジョークの様な実話(?)です。Reader's Digest 11月号のAll in a day's workにあった記事です。(日本ではまさかですが、米国なら本当にありかねない。)
It's tough enough landing a job. Try not to commit these intervie gaffes, as reported by actual hiring managers:
"The candidate arrived in a catsuit."
"The candidate sent his sister to interview in his place."
"A job applicant came in for an interview with a cockatoo on his shoulder."
"An individual applied for a customer-service job, and when asked what he might not like about his job, he said, 'Dealing with people."
二番目と最後の例はいくら何でも信じられません。記事のタイトル "We'll call you" は採用お断りの婉曲表現ですね。
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