English Collection



2012年12月15日 | インポート
Flowers for Algernon主人公、Charlieは昔の子供の頃をよく思い出します。
Then I saw a picture that I remembered in my mind when I was a kid and the children in the block let me play with them, hide-and-go-seek and I was IT. After I counted up to ten over and over on my fingers I went to look for the others. I kept looking until it got cold and dark and I had to go home.
上に出てきた "IT" は隠れん坊の鬼を指している事は容易に想像できますが、子供の頃英米にいた訳ではないので、この意味で使われる "IT/it" に会うのは初めてです。辞書にこの意味があるか確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: (in children's games) the player whose turn it is to try to touch another
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: the player in a game who performs the principal action of the game (as trying to find others in hide-and-seek)
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