Flowers for Algernonの主人公、Charlieは脳の手術をした医者のStraussとNemurと共にシカゴで開かれた学会の発表会に行き、Charlieと同様に手術を施され頭の良くなったネズミのAlgernonと一緒に紹介されますが、医者達の発表内容に不満を感じたCharlieはAlgernonを籠から逃がしたので会場は混乱に陥ります。CharlieはAlgernonを連れてNYに逃げました。
June 15 - Our escape hit the papers yesterday, and the tabloids had a field day. On the second page of the Daily Press there was an old picture of me and a sketch of a white mouse. The headline read: Moron-Genius and Mouse Go Berserk.
"field day" の使い方が面白いですね。マスコミは事件が起きると、それが不幸な事でも、まるで喜んでいるように張り切るので、この様な場合に "field day" が使えるのですね。辞書に同じ様な例が出ているか見てみます。
Macmillan Dictionaryは "have a field day" で次の説明をしています。
to have the chance to do something that you really enjoy, especially when it causes trouble for someone else
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a time of extraordinary pleasure or opportunity: the newspaper had a field day with the scandal
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to enjoy yourself very much or take advantage of an opportunity: The newspapers had a field day when the wedding was announced
June 15 - Our escape hit the papers yesterday, and the tabloids had a field day. On the second page of the Daily Press there was an old picture of me and a sketch of a white mouse. The headline read: Moron-Genius and Mouse Go Berserk.
"field day" の使い方が面白いですね。マスコミは事件が起きると、それが不幸な事でも、まるで喜んでいるように張り切るので、この様な場合に "field day" が使えるのですね。辞書に同じ様な例が出ているか見てみます。
Macmillan Dictionaryは "have a field day" で次の説明をしています。
to have the chance to do something that you really enjoy, especially when it causes trouble for someone else
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a time of extraordinary pleasure or opportunity: the newspaper had a field day with the scandal
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to enjoy yourself very much or take advantage of an opportunity: The newspapers had a field day when the wedding was announced