Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 HOW TO TAME YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAWを読むと、西洋でも嫁と姑の問題で悩んでいる人が多い事が分かります。
When Tessa was first engaged, she and her soon-to-be husband, Neil, went to visit his parents. Though she was received warmly, one comment from his mother stuck in her craw.
"craw" の意味は知りませんが、"stuck in her craw" 全体の意味は 文脈からだいたい想像が付きます。"stick in her craw" で慣用句になっているのでしょう。最初に "craw" の意味を調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: the stomach of an animal
・ a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food
この意味での例文は辞書にはなく、慣用句の "stick in her craw" を使った例文をほとんどの辞書が掲載していました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: if something sticks in your craw, it is so unpleasant or morally wrong that you cannot accept it: The idea of apologizing to him really sticks in my craw.
・Collins Dictionary: or stick in one's throat: (informal) to be difficult, or against one's conscience, for one to accept, utter, or believe: It may also have been the case that east coast manners stuck in their craw.
When Tessa was first engaged, she and her soon-to-be husband, Neil, went to visit his parents. Though she was received warmly, one comment from his mother stuck in her craw.
"craw" の意味は知りませんが、"stuck in her craw" 全体の意味は 文脈からだいたい想像が付きます。"stick in her craw" で慣用句になっているのでしょう。最初に "craw" の意味を調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: the stomach of an animal
・ a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food
この意味での例文は辞書にはなく、慣用句の "stick in her craw" を使った例文をほとんどの辞書が掲載していました。
・Macmillan Dictionary: if something sticks in your craw, it is so unpleasant or morally wrong that you cannot accept it: The idea of apologizing to him really sticks in my craw.
・Collins Dictionary: or stick in one's throat: (informal) to be difficult, or against one's conscience, for one to accept, utter, or believe: It may also have been the case that east coast manners stuck in their craw.